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What am I? (Part 1) Before anything, it's pertinent to say what we and the world are according to society at large. We are exclusively the ego, a watcher different from all other watchers that isn't the cause of the world, but the result of it. Hence, all is separate and reality a mere space that stores creation inside. Is this true? The verb to be takes central role here, so it suits us to consult the dictionary. It tells us that being means manifesting/creating within oneself a certain state or quality. As we think and feel, we are doing exactly that. Thus, based on this work, we are indeed our thoughts and our emotions. But are we really? Doesn't it sound irrational? It does for but one reason. Although these come from physical phenomena, their experience is, as far as we know, imaginary, and we are all brought up to believe imagination is non-physical, which would mean under current paradigm non-existing. In truth, we don't understand imagination, and although it's likely physical, we aren't yet capable of assessing its physicality but, that aside, is it or is it not true that we are emotion and thought? To the dictionary, we are. What about science? To it, the opinion is the same. But first, what does it say of the world? To physics, reality or objective reality isn't what we think it is, it's in fact just another illusion. We have soundwaves, chemicals, photons, but these aren't sound, scent or image. This holds up for all else that pops up in our sensory feed, so a rock is not hard or solid, a food has no taste, and so on. It's counterintuitive but this is just the beginning. If matter isn't how we think, how and what is it really? We don't know. But how? We have advanced machinery based on years of scientific research and they do allow us to see the unseeable. Yes, but that doesn't mean seeing things as they are. Consider infrared radiation. It's invisible to us humans, so we decided to convert it into a seeable image with our so-called objective technology. So-called because it's not objective. No apparatus/method we have now is because they show what we want them to show based on our own perception. Still on infrared, it's invisible to us but gray and red aren't, so we made the form of infrared look like these colors, we adjusted and thing is, we don't do it just in this case. No matter the tool and object - human/machine, apple/radiation - we always convert reality to something we can relate to. This is highly scary and wonderful if you understand what it implies. It implies that the objectivity we thought existed, doesn't. That we truly live in a dark universe where no sun shines. That the super attractive person we saw isn't attractive at all as she doesn't even have a body to begin with. Saying that this could make one lose one's mind is an understatement, especially because it's true. Don't believe? Just try to wrap your head around this. In all likelihood, as a coping mechanism, you'll pretend this is all figurative, philosophical, untrue. Even if you have a background on science. But if you have, you know this is no joke, that reality is... weird. I mean, you are literally infested with organisms waging war inside of you. Most of us to keep their sanity forget these things, but forgetting doesn't erase them out of existence. Your body is still a walking and breathing coffin. In any case, the point I tried to make was, what I've been telling until now is difficult to accept even if it's true, but it doesn't stop here. We don't know the form that the universe and its components really have, but we know what we are at least. The answer being rather simple. We are consciousness. Now, how can I say this when we have a ton of money being spent on research precisely because suposedly we don't know if we are consciousness? Well, it seems we know already but our attachment to the contrary makes necessary for there to be more proofs, even if what we have suffices. If you remember what I said on physics, it tells reality isn't how we think, but neuroscience went to say it is exactly how we think. This means nothing more than that, to physics, the reality we experience in our normal life isn't actual reality, but neuroscience goes further and says reality comes from thought. As such, we and all in existence is but a thought. When we experience something, it's actually our brain creating it as thought. Creating here is not to be taken lightly however. Rebring to mind that the real world, to our knowledge, is formless. So, we don't interpret an object the way we do due to it being like that in space. In other words, our brains aren't just mirrors. We see an apple, listen a sound, the brain creates, in a sense, all from the ground up. It receives cues originated in the environment but the cues are just commands, not the actual creation. Just like an electrical signal might be a command for taste or scent but isn't either. This is what neuroscience says, but is the brain the source of all? It has parts associated with consciousness and thoughts, but why is it so logical to state that these experiences originate in the brain? Remember, all physical occurrences that we perceive are thoughts. Isn't the brain a physical occurrence too? It is but then that automatically makes it be a thought and in the real world, formless. That sounds a tad crazy but that's what our sciences are telling us. If we dig deeper though and just observe reality with honesty, you'll see it makes sense. Thought is the creator of all there is, but how does that come about? We aren't sure, but it's clear consciousness plays a fundamental role. Not the part of the brain that is associated with it, but the plain and whole experience of consciousness itself. There can't be thought if there is no awareness to perceive it, can there? No. There can't, but consciousness is a thought also. Thus, what we have is a thought that creates itself. Through what means, again, we don't know, but don't treat it like an irrational thing for it's not. For a long time in human history we were unable to assess the physicality of radio waves, but eventually, we learned to know it was physical and existent. It was a different kind of physical, one that we weren't used to, but it was. I believe we will have to redefine physical much in the same way if we are to understand consciousness and reality fully, but gladly, we can already understand them more than most would think because it really is pretty self-evident. For instance, we can easily conclude there is just one consciousness in the whole of the cosmos. Think this way. When you are laying on the beach and you see the ocean waves, they appear to be different, right? Some are fast, some are slow. Some are tall, some are short. But aren't all just one ocean? You cannot even say it's the ocean behaving differently at different places because, to the ocean, it's all there is. Its body doesn't divide, so there is no point A and point B. If we see one, it's an illusion. And its waves aren't different waves, the tall and short aspects are also untrue, again, to the ocean. This is an analogy but we do have a concrete example. How does my consciousness come into existence for you? I create it in my experience but for you to be aware of it you must think of it, and if you think, you become. You are thought, remember? This all means that I am you and you are me. I am consciousnesss created by your consciousness that is created by mine. Life truly is a relationship. Not in the conventional sense usually employed in biology. I don't need you because you give me food or protect me from harm, I need you because you are me and I can't be me without me. That answers the question of whether we are alone in the universe. We are but aren't. The one is all there is but all there is is one. Okay, but how can I not be aware of your thoughts and you of mine? First, who is the I and you? Are they the ego, the thought patterns focused over time, or are they consciousness? We know we are not just the ego, so it must be the latter, and if so, we are aware, we just create the illusion we are not. But how can it be an illusion if I'm not able to dispell it? Again, who is the I here? If it is consciousness, you are able to dispell but you can also say you aren't. Do we have contradiction? You could say that and it's common when we analyze the core of creation but there is a way out of it. Reality exists in levels. Not necessarily physical dimensions, but levels, all addressing the same object but all holding different values. That seems to come due to the varied degrees of awareness or points of view. Anyhow, so how is that we are and aren't able to be aware of each other's thoughts? As the eternal and sole consciousness, you are aware of all, but once you use a body to perceive yourself, in a way, you're limited to that body's awareness/point of view and you'll experience only what it allows you to. It doesn't mean you are not the other person or being, it only means you can't be aware of it in a particular level. Biological organisms come with different capacities. Rocks can't experience motion, squirrels can't advanced mathematics, humans can't whatever we can't, that's just how these aspects of creation work. But why? This is going a bit off-topic but reality is a playful thing. It is all there is, but it pretends it's not, that is separate from itself. Our science doesn't provide an answer to why that happens, which doesn't mean one hasn't been provided already by other sources, but as showed, it does answer one thing. The answer to who am I is, as the judeo-christian God once said, I am that I am. I am all there is, including consciousness, you, me, other, self and everything else. Not partly them, but them in their entirety for remember, the slightest of divisions isn't real. How is the accepting part going for you? Not very well I imagine. Skepticism is one thing but attachment is another and the majority of us are quite attached to their pre-conceived ideas. That attachment doesn't change anything. If you want to close your eyes and shut your ears, the world (as thought) will be there regardless. But it can be fun to pretend, right? 1) 2)
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